Part 13: Group date
Update 12 - Group date

Alright, alright, I'm up.

Time to head out. Since I donated to the Committee Center, the train tracks to Uchina have been repaired and are ready for use. I won't be using them for now since I have nothing to do on campus.

My destination is to the north and through the cave to Sute Village.

This cave introduces lava floors, which work the same as the lasers from the girls' dorm.

There's only two new enemies waiting in ambush, the Savage Spider and the Cacklebat. The Savage Spider can cause Sick, but that's not too much of a problem with our nurse Julia around.

Once we're out of the cave, there's one place to visit on our way to Sute.

The last skill grants immunity to all ailments for the user. I toss it on our resident healer, Julia.

With that out of the way...

The village may change, but the chickens stay as vicious as ever.

Despite its run-down appearance, there's still a few people lurking about.

I'll teach you something: location, location, location.

That goes for you too, healing woman hidden behind the wall.
Up at the top of the village we find who we came looking for.

Didn't get very far, did you? Maybe you should join some kind of athletic club instead?

Despite all his boasting, Great Leader is a big pushover. He doesn't even have a special move. What a poseur!

Whoops, didn't mean to send him flying.

Do...Do you guys live here?

Yes, ma'am!

As we head further in, we go from cave to sewer. The symbol adorning the wall is the same symbol from when Hinako was kidnapped.

And look who else has returned! The Mystery Man is now joined by the Creepy Women, who can drain our GP.

Two more creatures stalk the sewers - the Vampire Eel and the Robocrab. Robocrabs pack a mean punch while Vampire Eels can drain our HP for themselves.

Okay, but I'm still gonna steal all the junk you have lying around.

We continue to travel the sewers...

Until we make it to back to land.

Luckily for me this shrine doesn't have any dumb rumors.

Daichi, why do you always have to be ruining everything?

Unlike Great Leader, Rachel can actually be somewhat of a threat. Alongside a powerful physical move, Rachel can also cause Pheromone and Sleep. If you're unlucky, you can easily end up with an incapacitated team on your hands.

Alright, back through the cave for us.

> Hinako, sexily

> Haru, scientifically

Daichi, please-

The Adventures of Hourai High: Daichi's Lament.

Oh jeez, I wasn't prepared for a dating sim. Okay then...
> Hinako

Wait, wait, no.
> Julia

Meanwhile, in an alternate timeline...

> Daichi

I'm regretting this choice immensely. Let's try again.
> Haru

And who's behind door number three?
> Isaac

Alright, that's enough time-hopping for one day. Back to Leroy and friends.

Sorry, already taken.

There's also a familiar face resting at the inn.

And now for the main draw of the Star Festival.

Time for more minigames!

Nah, I've got this.

The aim of this game is to knock the sleeping creatures down to earn points. You get 5 chances, and the points go up with the difficulty of the creature - pig to squid to octopus. If you hit one when it's awake then it will just knock the bullet away, and if you get it right when it's waking up then you'll stun it. The easiest way to get points is to knock four of a creature down then wait for the fifth one to come around on the other side, where it will have transformed into a golden creature that's worth more points.

I'm not the greatest at this game and can never knock down any octopi, so I'm stuck getting points with the squids. Now, onto the festival.

But just what was the "Regulation" that Rachel was looking for? And just who are "They"? One mystery is solved, only to reveal yet more mysteries behind it. Meanwhile, night falls on the day of the Star Festival...

Rachel appeared to be searching for something in Uchina and Sute villages amid the festivities of the Star Festival. It's believed that she was responsible for the recently-enacted Mind and Body Rule, Curfew Rule and other changes to the school legislature.
With her arrest, the truth behind her motives and other questions that have yet to be answered is hoped to be revealed soon.